Flat Earth Advanced - The Luminaries Mysterium Documentary (1:28:36) ==================================================================== 11:15 Gets into anti-Catholic crap Gets into hermeticism, kabbalah, etc. As expected, it gets more into astroLOGY and new age paganism. Pretty anti-Catholic and anti-religion, unless your religion is astrology, paganism, etc. Deleted. Behind the Curve 2018 Flat Earth Documentary (1:35:37) ====================================================== High production values By Mark Sargent Is this from the Flat Earth Society? If not, the FES could do no better to poison the well of FE. Actually Sargent's mom at the very beginning said Mark joined the Flat Earth Society -- and it was never corrected. Nor was the usual warning given that FES is bad news/controlled opposition. Very cringe in parts. Shows the FE founder of sorts "Math": he comes across as a total conspiracy nut and primadonna. Accusing Sargent without evidence, etc. Showcases other false allegations (Patricia Steere), makes you feel sorry for her, vs. all the Youtube nutjobs The woman who trusts no one but herself, the scientists who seem VERY genuine and "not in on the conspiracy" - of course they aren't. They were trained in this paradigm, and are pushing the Globe Earth cause 100% on their own. Does a HORRIBLE job of convincing you FE proponents are the rational, sane ones. Outnumbered is fine. But they make FE look unreasonable. Talks about a fling between one woman and Mark Sargent. He got friendzoned. Note he's middle aged, unmarried, and close to his mom. (Does he live in her basement?) Mentioned "Flat Earth dating". Lots of similar cringe. His mom thinks he's a bit of a conspiracy nut. The problem, over and over, is: the initial discomfort at FE being crazy is never dispelled! It never comes out on top, it seems. And yes, the IMPRESSION, how it FEELS or SEEMS is what's important. Human beings are going to watch this, after all. Showcases the divisions inside the microscopic FE community (one gathering is shown; about 20-25 people) And if you're going to interview "the other side", you need to ADEQUATELY DISMISS THEIR STATEMENTS AND ASPERSIONS ASAP afterwards. This is a Flat Earth documentary after all! We don't need to give them any more airtime than they already have. Key point at 42:20: She talks about all the people "so conspiratorial" to believe what they will about her, and it makes her wonder, "It makes me question what I believe. Am I doing the same thing, only about NASA or others?" SWOOSH! Now we've arrived at the point of this video! 49:00 Oh boy, now we're disproving Flat Earth with $20,000 laser gyroscopes. All the while explaining the fallacy of reaching the conclusion first, and then figuring out how to get there with the science. *cough* Flat Earthers! *cough* 55:00 End of childish romp through NASA Space Center in Houston Extra cringe was the little pat-selves-on-back session at the computer afterward, talking about their celebrity status. A couple failed experiments to prove Flat Earth Shows another "large" FE gathering at the end. A BIT of appealing "love all around" but generally the movie doesn't make you want to jump in as a Flat Earther. They also intersperse many of the scenes with video quips from the "mainstream scientists" who, again, aren't taken apart. Even on this Flat Earth video! So a bit frutrating to watch. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND Deleted. Happy Flat Earth Day - Earth is A Battery, So Are We (43:28) ============================================================ Not much substance here. Bizarre, has many graphics/screenshots/visual aids that speak of orbits and globe earth! Not very consistent there. Mostly a seminar or speech by some old guy about energy. And that content wasn't good or useful either. A few FE memes, that's about it. Would not recommend. Deleted. What If - Why the Flat Earth Story is So Vital to All (11:30) ============================================================= Most anti-Catholic, anti-religion, FE arguments/evidence substance-less one yet. Even the "graphics" were extremely low quality -- Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP) circa early 2000's The narrator stuttered; he wasn't even a good speaker. Deleted. The Flat Earth (2017) ===================== Not even about Flat Earth! Quite the misleading title. A film about skateboarding. Flat Earth Clues - Directors Cut - Mark Sargent - Under the Dome - They are hiding GOD (2:05:43) ================================================================================================ Get into religion being "in on it", certainly treats religion in general like something bad Video talks a lot about Antarctica, interview with Admiral Byrd, etc. Talks about animals in captivity, the Truman Show, human/mass psychology At 1:08:00, suggests that volcanos are artificial, to keep us away from LOWER barrier below flat earth Up to 1:33:50, he roots for the Tower of Babel builders, telling a story about their tower vs. "The Dome Builders" Mark Sargent really doesn't like religion -- at all. Deleted. Flat Earth United Kingdom - Do Freemasons Know The Earth Is Flat (1:26:46) ========================================================================== EXTREMELY Anti-Catholic, very little Flat Earth info Interview with man who was 32nd degree Mason Defending Masons "not the boogeyman" -- yeah right But the host of the show, or most of the talk, was extremely anti-religion and anti-Catholic Deleted. FLATGEIST - A Flat Earth Documentary (17:39) ============================================ Mostly an interview of one man's journey to Flat Earth But also features (quite a few minutes) this complete shill who SEEMS open and honest, totally pushing Globe model There is a debate at the end And I don't think the video did a good job of humiliating/falsifying/proving wrong the shill. It features the experiment he did on his bike, which proved the curve. But then never shows how his experiment was false! Never disproves it. You're thinking the whole time, "But this man holds evidence of the curve; no wonder he's believing in the globe. He's of good will here!" The video might do more damage than good, frankly. Deleted. NASA History of Deception - 1960 Space Suits - Flat Earth Research - Space Force (28:41) ======================================================================================== The whole video was just 1960 footage, an interview with NASA about the different space suits, backpack, oxygen, water cooling system, A/C, battery, multilayered cloth material to protect astronauts against radiation and meteorites, etc. But nothing was taken apart or debunked! I don't see the point of deploying 1960's propaganda. It's not exactly self-evident what's bogus about all these various claims. Deleted. NASA Lies - Intro Into Flat Earth Research, History and Conspiracy Part I (1:25:59) NASA Lies - Intro Into Flat Earth Research, History and Conspiracy Part II Happy Flat Earth Day - Why the Flat Earth Story is So Vital to All (11:30) =================================================================================== Starts out talking about different cultures' cosmological beliefs -- many had a dome, but also quite a few pantheons The "graphics" were extremely low quality -- Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP) circa early 2000's The narrator stuttered; he wasn't a good speaker. More anti-religion, anti-Catholic tripe More Zeitgeist nonsense, "These pagan similarities with Christianity or Jesus means that the latter copied them!" This guy is off in left field, totally new-age anti-religion, and pretty much totally useless Like searching for food in the dumpster. Yeah, there might be a nugget or two, but why bother? Deleted. The Lost History Of The Flat Earth (6:10:26) ============================================ First gets into "our ancestors weren't dumb cavemen" but crosses into Out Of Place Artifacts like the megoliths Quickly gets into main point: why were so many cities empty, dirty, dusty Contrast superhuman structures across Europe and America with peasants on the street -- they couldn't have built those buildings Windows and doors underground. Basements were hard to build, especially back then. Then it went FULL new age: triumphal arches, cathedrals, parliament buildings, all the beautiful architecture is actually ENERGY GENERATION. It escapes full atheism -- yeah -- but goes into pantheism. Saying the aether is the Holy Spirit and God is the "source". All spires, crosses, crescents, etc. are "antennas" Is also stupid: says "CreaTOR, GeneraTOR" -- toroid! Energy! Get it? Um, yeah, in ENGLISH you complete ignoramus. Says the world had a global energy grid, 100% free energy, doesn't say what they did with that energy though. Very much into New Age And "spiritual but not religious" -- very anti-Religion. Last hour had some good stuff about the moon reflection, land beyond the known earth, etc. PERHAPS asks some good questions, but connects dots that shouldn't be connected. Goes full schizo. Deleted.